Monday, July 07, 2008

A small update...

Todd called Isaac's pediatrician today and she's out of the office until Wednesday. I called the pediatric GI specialist and he's out of the office until Thursday. I'm getting a little worried that I won't hear anything until Friday and then it will be the weekend and, again, it will be too late to take Isaac to the doctor. There has been no real change since we took him off milk, but we will give it a few more days.

In other news, Isaac knows his elements through Argon (atomic number 18). Caroline knows them through Xenon (atomic number 54). Pretty soon, we will reach Ununoctium and I think we will just have to stop, because I can't pronounce it. This is how it's pronounced, apparently:



Okay, I'm exhausted.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm impressed that Isaac and Anna know so much of the Periodic table. You know, this runs in the family. I can remember Todd's decree to name servers after elements. Nobody else's naming scheme would do. To this day I can name at least 70 elements, though probably not in order. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant Isaac and Caroline.... hehe. I'm still thinking of your blog title. I'm so glad I found it.

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