Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It was another exciting day in NYC I took the children on the Staten Island Ferry today. It is a nice excursion that occupies a sizable portion of the day and since today's weather was good, I made the most of it. This evening Todd and I went to see "The Dark Knight" with Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, et al and there's an incident on the actual Staten Island Ferry in the movie. Ironic, eh? The boat in the movie is called the Gotham City Ferry, but make no mistake, it is the S.I. Ferry in real life. I will mention no more, except that you must go see this movie right away. I mean it. Go right now. Why are you still reading this post? Why??????????


Josee said...

We saw it last Saturday. A little chaotic and hard to follow (I think I'm getting too old for action flicks), but nonetheless, it was awesome! Heath Ledger was great.

Mary Ellen said...

I thought it was a little confusing/choatic too, but I really enjoyed it.

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