Saturday, July 19, 2008

I really like not having a car. I walk everywhere. I like it. I've never liked cars really. I avoided getting my driver license until I was almost 18 years old. I just never wanted to drive. So when I go anywhere with the three children (nearly everyday) we walk. Anna Sophia and Isaac ride in a double stroller, while Caroline walks alongside. She can walk a few miles at this point. She doesn't complain or whine about having to walk either. She talks about all the yellow cars (taxis), buses, planes, helicopters, and boats that she sees. I'm starting to realize just how sedentary my lifestyle was when we had a car. I've worn through 2 pairs of shoes already this year. I need new sandals. Again. I've never worn through shoes like this. I've already gotten the kids new shoes as theirs were also worn through. The other nice thing about walking everywhere is that I see my friends everyday. I know lots of people who live on our block and we always exchange a few words or the kids (theirs and mine) decide that they want to go to a playground so my friend and I will grab an iced coffee before heading to the swings. I know our mail carrier, our UPS guy, our building's staff, the guy who sells hotdogs and pretzels on the corner, the guy who sells t-shirts on the other corner. If I were to drive everywhere, I would miss out on knowing these people. I would miss on the wonderful community we live in.

1 comment:

Jax and company said...

I just re-watched Supersize Me, and in it, Morgan Spurlock quotes a statistic that average New Yorkers walk 5 miles a day. He was actually trying to replicate average american so he took cabs everywhere to limit his activity - it got expensive, I imagine!
BTW good for you getting the kids out and about - I think there are not enough kids around in public, they are always in school or daycare!

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