Monday, May 18, 2009

Caroline is studiously trying to learn to read. We are very close, I think. I found her in her bed with a pile of her daddy's papers on Programming in Martin-Lof's Type Theory (the O in Lof, has an umlaut above it, not sure how to do that in blogger) and an old pair of his glasses. She was showing me the words and making reasonable attempts to sound them out. I'm not sure what she was doing with the glasses though. Anyway, we are working on reading and writing. She is good at writing her own name and her brother's name. I'm very proud of her progress on the reading and writing front. I anticipate much more of that in her future!


Hi, My name is: Tim said...

And I'm Sööööööööö nöt göing tö tell yöu.

Mary Ellen said...

hahahaha. :<

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