Thursday, August 10, 2006

38 weeks and counting down

By my calculation, I have 14 days of pregnancy left. Too bad I can't really count on those 14 days. It could be 2 or 22. Sheesh. I'm the planning type and its making me nervous that the baby can just "come any time." We are almost done with the preparations for the baby. I'm having a baby shower this weekend (woohoo! never had one of those before) and so the baby must stay put until after Saturday. The whole house is very clean these days. The dishes are always done, the clothes are always in the wash, the living room is always vacuumed, and I am constantly working to remove every last strand of dog or cat hair from the carpet and the furniture. So far, it is a success, but it means I must vacuum twice a day and wash the sofa cover at least twice a week. Nesting sure is hard work! My husband thinks I am quite insane, and tend to agree with him. Earlier this week, I could be found crouched on the kitchen floor spraying a line of ants with some bleach type kitchen cleaner. I ended up cleaning out the cabinets too, because the ants found their way in. Anyway, we had an exterminator come yesterday and take care of the rest of the problem.

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