Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Well it seems the markets have recovered, somewhat. It should be good news for most, even if its just short term gains. I may actually get to see Todd tonight, after all.

The baby is doing fine and as far as I'm concerned, she can make her appearance any time. I am eagerly anticipating the delivery and keep wondering "when?" and "how?" It is sort of odd going into the end of pregnancy and preparing myself for possibility of needing major emergency surgery (c-section). I certainly don't expect the baby to arrive that way, but I think it would be irresponsible for me not to consider it a possibility. I also worry about getting stuck in an elevator during labor and having to deliver there. It could happen. Perhaps, I need to get some hobbies to occupy myself until D-Day. My bag is packed. The apartment is clean. The baby clothes are washed. What else is there to do?

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