I really don't like doing political posts on this blog, but I can't help it sometimes. This current crop of Presidential candidates has me, um, not excited, at all. I haven't found anyone I like and everyone has major problems that prevent me from voting for them.
John McCain--Against free speech. McCain-Feingold, better known as Incumbency Protection and the legal restriction of political speech. I like his fiscal conservatism, but FREE SPEECH is one of the big ten. Not going to work for me.
Barack Obama--Not enough experience. 1 term in the Senate is not enough. Against school vouchers, against privatization of social security, helped introduce "The Biofuels Security Act", supported tariffs on imported ethanol, for universal healthcare, doesn't want to stop illegal immigration. I am for universal healthcare, but I highly doubt that Obama wants this to be done using private markets. In other words, if he were president, we could expect a huge increase in the size of government. As for "Biofuels," he is quite mistaken that Ethanol is somehow a "clean" energy and one that will end our issues with oil. Ethanol is dirtier for the environment than gasoline. Plus, in order to grow enough corn to support ethanol production, we would need to raze many thousands of acres of land that was returned to forestland in the last 60+ years. If you really want to end our dependence on foreign oil, why don't we do more drilling in Alaska or build more oil refineries?
Hillary Clinton-- She tries to be everything to everyone and really doesn't seem like a politician with a real thought on anything. For the war. Against the war. For illegal immigrants getting licenses. Against illegals getting driver licenses. Government Healthcare. Higher taxes.
Rudy Guiliani--Former Mayor of New York City. I think he did quite a lot of good for NYC, but I don't think it qualifies him to be President. He is against the flat tax that doesn't provide deductions for state and local income taxes because it "unfairly" hurts citizens from high tax states. I think this is really dishonest. It means that people from low tax states subsidize the federal taxes of people from high tax states. He supports abortion and doesn't feel there should be restriction even for late term ones. Supports restricting gun rights. Supports embryonic stem cell research.
John Edwards--I think this man is just silly. He worked at hedge fund to study poverty issues? He also pretends to have grown up poor, which isn't true. You can't trust this man.
Mitt Romney--Changes his positions more frequently than Hillary. 'Nuff said.
Michael Bloomberg--I'd rather this man not run NYC, but President is not the place for him to go. He's banned transfats in NYC, banned smoking inside restaurants and so on. Do you really want this man with the authority to run the country?
America's Justice Department Still Wants Google to Sell Chrome
Last week Google urged the U.S. government not to break up the company —
but apparently, it didn't work. In a new filing Friday, America's Justice
3 hours ago
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