Monday, December 31, 2007

The RIAA is at it again...

the industry maintains that it is illegal for someone who has legally purchased a CD to transfer that music into his computer.

You can find the full story here.

I think this clearly falls under fair use, although I am not familiar with the particular legal rights associated with legally purchased music cds.

In any case, I don't feel bad for an industry that routinely takes advantage of young musicians and pays them pennies for their work. I also don't feel any obligation to purchase music in the form of a windows media file. Just who knows how long Windows is going to support that particular file format? No one knows. If Microsoft decides to quit supporting that file format, you will need to repurchase ALL your music saved in that particular format. The recording industry of course WANTS you to do this and they definitely don't want you to purchase a cd and then rip it to your computer. When you do it this way, you always have a hard copy of the music and you can save it in any format you want.

This industry treats us all like criminals and I am sick of it. They fixed prices for years, refused to sell songs on the internet, so people started trading them (illegally), and when they finally caved to selling music online, they only wanted to sell it in protected formats, so that you would need to buy music multiple times to play it on different devices. How is it possible to buy a DVD for less than $10, but new CDs routinely cost close to $20? I won't get in to all the details, but suffice it to say that the RIAA paid out a big settlement to consumers for fixing prices. Now, when we legally buy cds and copy them to our computer, we are the criminals?
I'm planning on posting pics taken with our new camera later today, so be sure to check back!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We've been quite busy, which is why this post is a few days late (hey, at least I'm posting, right?). My brother-in-law and his family spent Christmas here in our NYC apartment. It was lots of fun--4 adults, 5 (soon to be 6) children in 2 bedrooms for 5 days. The cousins loved playing together and I enjoyed spending good quality yarn time with my SIL. We awoke fairly early on Christmas to find lots of presents nicely wrapped under our tiny tree. I have a hazy memory on how exactly they got there, but I think that is mostly due to my 3 hours of sleep. The kids loved opening up their gifts, but I think Caroline and Isaac were really overwhelmed by everything.

I managed to get most of our Christmas gifts out, but I'm still working on a few. I kept thinking that I had enough time to get it all done and then it was Christmas Eve. Christmas may come a little late for some of you, but I am really really working on it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Fun Police

I'm not even surprised. The story is here.

Update: Here's the full story.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ear infection

Isaac has had a low grade fever since Sunday or Monday (started feeling bad Sunday, noticed the fever on Monday). I called his pediatrician and talked to the nurse. We agreed that I would bring him in if it did not get better by Friday. Friday came and went and he still had the fever. I kept thinking, oh he's just about to get over it... He has had moments of being himself and I was convinced he was on the mend. Friday night, he was up every hour and the fever was still there. Saturday morning, I called the pediatrician's office and they told me to bring him in (they have office hours for sick visits on Saturday. Nice.). Within about 5 minutes of seeing the doctor, she diagnosed a bad ear infection. What? Isaac has not been pulling at his ears or anything. It's the first ear infection we've ever had between the 2 kids. She prescribed an antibiotic, because he had had the fever for so long. He seems to be a little better now and I hope that within another day he is back to his old self.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Isaac and the ABC's

Isaac has been carrying around this leapfrog toy that sings the ABCs. He loves it and now sings along. "A Bee Cee Dee Dee Dee Dee" and the rest of song sounds quite the same. He is saying a lot of words, although most of them are incomprehensible right now. I hear him say "please" and "thankyou" and "all done" and "Christmas tree" and quite a few others. It's quite a change from Caroline's speech development.

Speaking of Caroline's speech, She's really starting to talk--a lot! Sometimes, I just just wish she would stop for a few minutes. Just joking. Sort of. She will state something (mama dog and baby dog) and keep repeating herself until you repeat what she has said. Often this repetition game goes on for a little while. I'm trying to engage her in more conversation to stop this sort of behavior, but I think she is just seeking mutual understanding of what she is saying. So instead of just repeating "mama dog and baby dog," I will ask her what the dog says and if the dog likes walking outside, etc.

Counting and more...

Caroline started learning how to count objects a few days ago. I think we really have it down now. I first started with 2 chocolate chips and asked her to tell me how many there were. It's no surprise how easily motivated a child is when there is chocolate involved. Now we count little plastic bears. She really enjoys lining them up and counting down the row of bears.

Yesterday while we were out shopping, she proudly exclaimed "momma dog and baby dog!" Of course the fact that it was lab and and a small dog was not important. She then began to apply these labels to anything...trees, rocks, sticks, and so on. It's quite amusing.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Never distrust a pregnant woman's instincts...

I had been thinking there was something fishy going on with the price of cereal. Turns out I was not far off. Here and here and here. I think I'm done buying cereal from these folks. We will be eating good ol' oatmeal and other whole grains for breakfast from now on. I do buy generic cereal when I can find it, but I haven't found any lately.

Oh my word!

I went grocery shopping today at the grocery store in our neighborhood. It was an emergency trip, because we had no food! Anyway, I went in expecting to stock up on some pantry items and I was shocked at the prices!!!!!!! The cereals were all a minimum of $5 and some were $6 and one was $7! And these were not big boxes, mind you. Instant oatmeal, 4 servings, $5.95. A gallon of milk $10!!! Oh my goodness. I bought some canned beans which were quite a bargain and some canned tomatoes that were $1.50 a can. People ask me a lot how I manage to buy groceries with kids and no car in New York City and the truth is that I usually buy them online and have them delivered. It's easy enough and the prices are okay, but not low enough to where I am tempted to stock anything. We are always running out of food here. I also go to Whole Foods in Union Square to buy produce and other things. However, Whole Foods doesn't carry a lot of the pantry food that we like. Instead of canned spaghettios, which my kids eat on rare occasion, they will have the wheat-free, gluten-free, organic variety, which also happens to be taste-free, but I digress... I can't get Stouffer's frozen anything in this city and I really really miss that lasagna. There are dozens of other foods I can't find, but I'm sure there here somewhere. On the plus side, I have found new foods I like that I never would have found with us living in south. On a side note, I happen to know that the cereal companies get busted for price-fixing every ten years or so. I suspect that the $5 box of cheerios has little to do with increasing grains cost, but probably some anticompetitive pricing.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

10 weeks to go...

I'm in my 31st week of pregnancy and starting to get a bit anxious about the upcoming birth. It should be old hat for me by now, having gone through labor two times before, but the anticipation still makes me nervous. I wonder if I will go into labor in the middle of the night or when Todd is gone. I suppose it will all work itself out one way or another. In a way, I find it a bit exciting to have this "surprise" awaiting me. I don't know when or where labor will start and I don't know how the birth will go. I don't know how big the baby will be or what she will look like.

So that is the big question. When? How big? Care to take any guesses? My doctor says my due date is February 25th, I think the date is the 27th or 28th. February 28th is our 4th wedding anniversary and part me thinks it would be neat-o to have a baby on that day.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ninja babyproofing, part deux

I have finally found a refrigerator lock. I put it on the fridge 2 nights ago and we have had 2 mornings of waking up to a clean kitchen. Coincidence? Perhaps. I think, however, that the lock stops the little Christmas elves from raiding our food stuffs. I have previously been waking up to 3 or 4 yogurt cups, opened and half eaten. Now, I just need to find a way to lock the dishwasher and stove.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Now both Caroline and Isaac are receiving credit card offers in the mail. When is this madness going to end?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Taken over a year ago, but still so cute.

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I have about 10-12 weeks left in this pregnancy and its really starting to sink in that I will have 3 children ages 3 and under. I must be crazy! Some days are really stressful with the kids throwing themselves on the floor, off the furniture and swinging on the curtains. Whose children are these? Why are they calling me mama? I ask myself. Other days I find myself in the midst of pure bliss. The kids are sharing, being polite, giving hugs out to their siblings, being quiet, talking to me instead of screaming. I would prefer more of the nice days, but either way, I love being a mom.

Ninja babyproofing

I'm something of a baby-proofing fanatic. I have gone to great lengths to stop small people from rearranging my books, climbing the stairs, opening cabinets, eating cat/dog food, opening the refrigerator, stove, dishwasher and so on. Now, it has come to my attention that I have a climber in the house. I have resorted to storing our kitchen chairs on top of the kitchen table for now. For Isaac, those chairs are simply a means to bigger and better places. He loves the window sill, the bar counter in the kitchen, the table itself, our sideboard, and many other high places. Caroline is also quite the climber, but not as determined as Isaac. Anyway, I've been thinking ahead of new and clever solutions to taming my climbing beasts. Do I banish all stools from the house? Do I give up on having adult decorations completely (almost there)? We are on the verge having our LCD television hung on the wall (out of reach) along with purchasing a wall-mountable dvd player. I'm tired of watching the peanut butter version of "It's a Wonderful Life."

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A baby tax?

Okay, this is just outrageous.

Carbon credits are a total scam (here). They do nothing to reduce carbon emissions and cost lots of money. They are basically vehicles of the rich to claim to be environmentally conscious while at the same time flying their private jets to and from their multiples houses. It's like Michael Crichton once said "The only thing worse than a limousine liberal is a Gulfstream environmentalist."

Friday, December 07, 2007

No comment.

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And finally

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I give up! Here are individual shots.

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And again.

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Another group photo effort.

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Christmas Photo

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This really steams my clams...

There has been a lot of talk lately about bailing out homeowners who took out unreasonable mortgages on houses they could not afford. Mortgage lenders are looking for a payout and help from Uncle Sam too. Just when will this charade end? Lenders have been giving out mortgages to anything with a pulse up to recently. A strawberry picker earning $14,000 took out a mortgage for $720,000 (story here). Ability to pay the loan? Doesn't matter. If you can't pay, then you can just sell. Oh wait. Not anymore. The housing markets are now flooded with houses people are trying to sell and prices are dropping.

The real problem I have with a bailout is that it doesn't teach people/companies that they are responsible for their decisions. If people have the idea that the government (i.e. taxpapers) are going to come to their rescue when things go badly then people are going to continue making careless decisions. Lenders who have massive piles of mortgage defaults waiting to happen are salivating at the possibility of leaving this all on the US taxpayer. Bailing out business is an even worse proposition, because this will just happened again in 30 years and we will have to pay again. Lets allow many of these irresponsible mortgage lenders to eat the losses and this won't happen again.

It seems like every day the newspaper runs a story about so-and-so down on their luck. They bought their home 1 year ago. Now grandma is in the hospital and dad is has a back injury. Their initial teaser loan rate is going up, because that is what these loans do. The mom is this story is working 3 jobs just to pay the mortgage and they have no extra money for electricity or food. Christmas presents, forget it. Between their HELOC payment (home equity line of credit) to pay for their new cars and large screen tv and mortgage payment, there is no extra money. There is no photo of the house, and I know why. The house is in one of the nice neighborhoods. One of the neighborhoods that people work their whole lives to get into. I have actually checked google maps on a few of these stories and they don't live in the poor section of town. It's a lot harder to feel sorry for people who bought a house they couldn't afford. It's even harder to feel sorry for them when they bought a snobby house that most people can't afford. I'm just so tired of these stories. What happened to having a savings and no debt before purchasing a home? What happened to discussing the terms of your mortgage with an attorney, who could tell you exactly what you were agreeing to? I am tired of people saying that they didn't know that their ADJUSTABLE rate mortgage would go up. If you didn't know the terms of your loan, then why did you sign a document obligating yourself to make payments to the lender for 30 or more years?

I feel bad for cash strapped homeowners who are looking at losing their house to foreclosure, but I don't feel obligated to pay for their mistakes. They can rent, just like I do.

About 2 months ago

Caroline Lewis started receiving credit card offers. They trickled in at first and yesterday we received 3! What am I going to do?

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Nazis don't like homeschooling

This story is a little old, but still quite shocking to me.

A new ruling from the European Human Rights Court has affirmed the German nation's Nazi-era ban on homeschooling, concluding that society has a significant interest in preventing the development of dissent through "separate philosophical convictions."

I think if I were German, I would leave the country on account of this. Forced government schooling? I don't think so. Education is very important, but I don't think it needs to come from the government.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

We have been busy lately. Caroline turned 3 years old on Monday. We celebrated last Thursday with her grandparents in Augusta. It was a lot of fun and Caroline started to enjoy herself too we let her open presents.

Isaac is talking a lot these days. Today he said "Christmas tree." He pointed at a dog in our building and said "doggie." Caroline has mispronounced dog for as long as I can remember. She is now saying it correctly though. Anyway, its quite a change to hear him speak since we waited so long for Caroline to start speaking.

I am in my third trimester of the pregnancy. Everything is going smoothly so far and I am feeling pretty good overall. I have been busy getting the apartment ready for the baby, which really means that I have been organizing things. I shredded about 4 years worth of bills and credit card offers, threw out lots of mismatched socks, and cleaned out our clothes. There is still work to be done, but I feel it is almost finished.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The things kids say...

After Caroline used the potty today, she said "bye bye poopy. see you later."

I hope not.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I am the worst blogger ever...

We had an ultrasound a week ago and found out we are having a GIRL! I am trying to post the photo, but blogger is having some issues, so it will have to wait.

Caroline is potty-trained! I can't even believe it. We have been trying off and on for a year and like magic, she figured it out! She loves doing puzzles (she can do 25-30 piece puzzles). She adores Nemo the fish and dinosaurs. Her big-girl bed arrived just last week and it is adorned with a dinosaur quilt and pillow (and various other of the stuffed variety). She knows the first 38 elements of the periodic table. She also loves coloring pictures now.

Isaac is walking and starting to talk. He is a tiny little guy weighing in at 18lbs (13 months old) and wearing size 18 mos. He seems to be doing well overall though.

Um, so that is about it for the big updates. I'm doing better, but this pregnancy has been a little tougher, probably because I'm chasing after 2 little ones. NYC has been a fun place to live. The kids love going to the playground and playing with their friends. There are several young families in our building, so it is nice to have other people to relate to.

Monday, September 24, 2007


I've been organizing our apartment over the last several weeks. I bought bunkbeds, a sofa, other pieces of furniture and things to make our itty bitty place a nice place to live. It's actually not that small and I feel we are quite comfortable here. We are selling a few items that we don't need/don't use, but I feel like we are almost finished with our place. I hope to post some photos soon.

The President of Iran is staying across the street from us. Yippee. Say a little prayer that no one tries any funny stuff while he's here (or any other time). This area is guarded like nothing I've ever seen before. Swat teams. Cops. AK-47s. You name it.

Well it appears that Caroline has screamed loud enough for Isaac to wake up. I must go.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Well we have some news...

We moved from North Carolina to New York City over the past 2 months. It was kind of crazy because we spent over a month in corporate housing in NY before finally settling in our new apartment. As soon as I find the batteries to the camera, I will post some photos. The apartment has one bedroom, an office, 2 bathrooms, and a "nook" area. We also have a living room and a kitchen. The apartment is really large at over 1200 sqft and we have a corner view of the harbor. We are living in the same area we lived before in the city, so I am quite familiar with all of it. In other news, we are expecting again. The baby is due February 28th, 2008, which is also our 4th wedding anniversary. I am almost halfway through the pregnancy, so this announcement is a little late, but I was thinking about waiting until Feb.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

We've been busy...

I can't really say much right now about our news, but it probably involves moving, which we, of course, are experts at. The kids are doing well. Isaac is cruising around the furniture, snacking on dog food, you know, the usual. Caroline is really interested in reading her Dr. Seuss books and pretending with her Little People doll house. She knows the first 18 elements on the Periodic Table and Todd is hoping to teach the rest to her. I often hear her recite them as she is going to sleep. It's really quite adorable.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

So sorry for not posting regularly. Caroline has been a, uh, challenge lately. It's been exhausting and I have to watch her like hawk around Isaac because she hits and pinches and screams if I don't. Anyway, ST is going so-so. I believe Caroline will speak when she wants to and is ready. That time is apparently not now so I am waiting patiently.

In other news, I broke my big toe yesterday. Today I had the lovely experience of taking two wonderful children all over town to get xrays, consult with an orthopedic surgeon, purchase some fancy black socks to go with my fancy new shoe (yep, just one!) and finish buying supplies for our trip on Thursday. It was an all day affair and an exhausting one to boot! Turns out, I will probably not need surgery, but I will need to wear my stylin' new shoe for 6-8 weeks, possibly 3 months, and hopefully no longer than 6 months. So to summarize: sore toe, big shoe, long time.

I still haven't figured out what I am wearing to the wedding this weekend. I spent 2 days picking out the *perfect* shoes to go with my lovely dress and I can't wear them now! I can't even wear one of them, because they are heels and heels are out. I will probably end of wearing a sneaker, maybe a sandal, but it won't be the same. At least that's the worst of my problems.

We are all otherwise doing well. Isaac is crawling and pulling up on furniture and babbling up a storm. Caroline is starting to really enjoy her Little People toys and I find her setting all the people around a table or in little chairs. It's too cute! She also has fallen in love with dinosaurs. And Nemo. We have Nemo everything. I made her a pillow and blanket with some fleece and I am planning on doing a small quilt for her. She has a stuffed Nemo that sleeps on a Nemo pillow, with a Nemo blanket.

Friday, April 06, 2007

My computer stopped working this weekend. No email. No internet. Anyway, I've been sort of lost without it. It's amazing how much I use the computer for. Without it, I have to revert to my old analog ways. I must prepare hand written grocery lists or locate letter writing paper, the return address stamp, stamps, envelope (the right size).

Caroline went to Speech Therapy this week (ST) and we have a better handle on where she is developmentally. I'm not sure I completely agree with the evaluation, but she was placed in the 16-18 month range developmentally for both speech and comprehension. I was a little shocked, especially since the therapist seemed to think her speech issues were minor. Her test scores were in the below average to poor range. Sounds sort of bad to me! I'm happy we're in ST and we are addressing her problems. Hopefully, ST will help her a lot.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Caroline's evaluation with the speech therapist was everything I expected it to be. She is slightly delayed, but nothing major. The ST noted that she's really good at mimicking, but does not initiate questions or conversation. In the past month or two, she has started using 2 word phrases/sentences, but that is very recent. I've been reading up a bit, and I think that 18 months is when children normally speak in small sentences. At Isaac's checkup, the pediatrician said that he should be babbling at this point. He isn't babbling at all. Maybe our kids will just speak late??

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Does Isaac look like me or Todd? I can't really tell. The kids are sleeping right now, which is why I am posting so many pics. I hope to post a few more tomorrow and update you all a little more. We really have had a lot going on here. Good night.
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I really want to post photos but...

I haven't had the chance. Isaac has not napped today at all and I think I am losing my mind!! Caroline had only 2 or 3 tantrums, so it wasn't too bad. I really hope to post the pics tonight, but I can't make any promises. Caroline is in the bath and Isaac is screaming, so I need to go.

Monday, March 26, 2007


I am planning to post some pics later today, so be sure to check in this afternoon.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I have an excuse...

Really, I do. I can't think of it right now, but when it comes to me I will certainly let you all know. Isaac and Caroline are sick, so things have been a little slower and quieter lately. Caroline will be going to see a speech therapist on Tuesday. Hopefully, we will get a better idea of what is going on with her speech. (and hopefully she will be better by then)

Todd has a new office now with his business name on the door. It's oh-so-official looking. He is in the process of moving in and hiring interns for the summer. Very exciting!

I am, well, shopping for furniture (mostly just a bed, but a few other things as well). It has been an interesting experience. I love "shopping" on Craigslist, because its a lot easier on the kids. Most of the furniture stores I have been to have high prices and not-so-nice furniture. Even during their "sales" I find things like a 1980s style formica dinette with upholstered chairs with metal frames for $3995. I don't think so!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Lots of updates

I haven't been blogging much lately. We've been busy unpacking and settling in our new home.

Caroline~ She is speaking more clearly these days and putting words together. She also knows all her letters and numbers up through 15. I really think she will be reading by the end of this year.

Isaac~ He is on a nursing strike! We are really struggling to get him to nurse. He is absolutely not interested unless he is sleeping. I don't see any teeth coming in yet, but certainly we will see them soon. He is eating solid food now too and he really seems to enjoy it. He is sitting up very well and starting to creep/crawl on the floor. Oh no!

Me~ I had 4 stitches put in my thumb last week. As a result, I can't do much around the kitchen as far as cooking/cleaning goes. The stitches will be in another week and then I will have my thumb back. The injury could have been much worse, so I am thankful it wasn't.

Todd~ He is starting his new job next week. The new job is actually just the old job, but he will be working out of Cary, NC. A NYC job without the snow! Yay!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

We've moved!

We are now residents of Cary, NC. All of our worldly possessions have made it (hopefully) to our new home. As soon as I find the camera, I will post some photos. The place is lovely and about twice as big as our last home, which is nice. We have the same phone number, email address, etc. So, if you want our new address, you can email me and I will give it to you. We plan to send out change of address cards to those on our Christmas card list, so if you're in no hurry to have our new address, well, you can wait for the card.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Junk mail

I've just spent the last hour shredding junk mail. I can't stand the stuff. I shredded about a hundred of those "you've already been pre-approved" credit card offers. Old bills. Odd bits of paper with personal info on it. I'm really tired of having to go the extra mile to prevent some person from stealing those credit card offers and destroying my credit. I think that someone should invent a mailbox/shredder-incinerator. Mailman puts mail in mail box. You retrieve mail. Take out personal correspondence, bills (maybe), magazines (good ones only) and the rest you put in the shredder. Then you press the button "incinerate". Ahh, yes. That would be nice.

Caroline and the stethoscope

Caroline has been sleeping in her crib without the siderail for a few months now. The transition wasn't a big deal; I just took the side rail off the crib and she slept there. The one thing that has changed is the number of security items she requires in order to sleep. Before the transition, it was a pillow, blanket, and stuffed bear. Slowly, it has progressed to include a baby doll, another baby doll, their respective blankets, and most recently her toy doctors case. This case is not an innocuous cloth bag, but a hard, unforgiving plastic case. In the case there are a number of pretend medical devices (a plastic emesis basin, plastic ophthalmoscope, stethoscope, you get the idea...) I have tried hiding this darn thing a night, but she thows a fit. She must sleep with the whole thing. And no, she does not keep all the parts in the case, she sleeps with an empty case and then all the implements around her in bed. If one of these bits falls out of bed, she gets out of bed and looks for it in the dark. So...last night, around midnight, Caroline woke up crying. Todd went in to comfort her only to find her rooting around on the floor looking for her stethoscope. Once Todd found the missing stethoscope under the bed, all was well in the Lewis household once again.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

the big news...

Todd has a job and we are moving to Raleigh, NC. We will actually be living near Research Triangle Park. We have spent this weekend looking at houses to rent and we have 2 very nice candidates. I hope that everyone received our Christmas card. If you did not, please email me with your address. I will make sure you get our change of address card and a Christmas card next year.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

I guess I missed the whole "New Years" celebration. Last night, I read a good book and did not even notice the stroke of midnight. Oh well... This is what you get when you have two little ones. Caroline kept waking up when she heard fireworks and that had her up until well after midnight. Isaac did fine, but he is still in our bed at least part time. We had an enjoyable evening nonetheless. I read my new book Next by Michael Crichton and Todd read a book too.

So, in other news, we are now looking into our options with starting the business. It's all up in the air, so I can't really comment now, but I will let you know when these things are settled. Isaac now takes naps in his crib, which is very exciting. Soon, I hope he sleeps through the night in the crib. All in good time though. Caroline can count to 10, recognizes all her letters, and is talking more these days.

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