Isaac has been carrying around this leapfrog toy that sings the ABCs. He loves it and now sings along. "A Bee Cee Dee Dee Dee Dee" and the rest of song sounds quite the same. He is saying a lot of words, although most of them are incomprehensible right now. I hear him say "please" and "thankyou" and "all done" and "Christmas tree" and quite a few others. It's quite a change from Caroline's speech development.
Speaking of Caroline's speech, She's really starting to talk--a lot! Sometimes, I just just wish she would stop for a few minutes. Just joking. Sort of. She will state something (mama dog and baby dog) and keep repeating herself until you repeat what she has said. Often this repetition game goes on for a little while. I'm trying to engage her in more conversation to stop this sort of behavior, but I think she is just seeking mutual understanding of what she is saying. So instead of just repeating "mama dog and baby dog," I will ask her what the dog says and if the dog likes walking outside, etc.
How Your Gut Influences Your Brain
A blog post from the Stanford University School of Medicine attempts to
answer the question: What's the deal with the gut-brain connection? It
affects your...
35 minutes ago
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