I took all three kids out this morning and it was a lot of work. Preparations started early in the morning. I got the double stroller out and cleaned it up a bit (it was a mess). I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cut into convenient little squares. I secured a banana from the fruit basket. I also prepared a small bag of cashews and pretzels. Two cups of milk with lids. A fully stocked diaper bag. Cellphone. Keys. I put Caroline and Isaac in the double stroller and I carried Anna Sophia in my Moby wrap. Anyway, it was quite an event. I walked up Broadway and stopped at Staples, only to find that my order did not arrive. Oh well. I will pick it up tomorrow, hopefully.
Broadway is very crowded part of the city too. It is not fun pushing a stroller through throngs of tourists and the Wall Street crowd. I got several nasty looks and someone actually cursed at me. I'm not sure what it is about this city and strollers, but if you cross the wrong person, they start yelling or cursing at you. Once, I was using the subway with Caroline (she was in an umbrella stroller) and I needed to carry it up the stairs. I was at a very busy station, Grand Central, I think and I waited and waited for the crowd to thin out before carrying her and the stroller up the stairs. Finally, there was a small clearing at one of the stairwells and I made a dash for it. I got about halfway up the stairs when some young women started going down the very same stairwell. I gave them a quick glance because I did not want to have to turn to let them pass. I was the one carrying 30+ lbs of baby and stroller and I was there first!!! They started yelling at me telling me I had no right to be there during rush hour etc etc. I just ignored them, because I wasn't in the mood to point out that there actually exists no such rule. Most people are very nice and helpful on subways, but occasionally someone is in a bad mood and they take it out on the frazzled mom with 3 children! Not nice!
We made it home okay after stopping at the World Financial Center Winter Garden for lunch. I like it there because its public space and they have benches where you can eat lunch. The kids enjoyed eating their dinosaur shaped pb&js and dropping pretzels on the ground and I nursed Anna. When we finally returned home, I was completely exhausted and ready for a nap. Too bad the kids had other ideas. We played dinosaurs and read some books for a while. We had a few friends visit later in the day, then had dinner, a bubble bath, some stories and finally bedtime.
US Mulls Policing Social Media of Would-Be Citizens
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is proposing to
expand mandatory social media screening, currently required only for new
arrivals, to...
1 hour ago
1 comment:
You're a brave, brave woman. I can't believe someone would curse at a mom with three little kids. There's probably a very special place in hell for that person!
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