Tuesday, February 05, 2008

the kids are still here...

I haven't blogged about our young ones lately, but they are still here. Trust me! I was being a bad mommy yesterday morning. I slept in while the kids watched Barney a couple of times. :[ I didn't really mean to, but I couldn't will myself out of bed any earlier. When I finally woke up, I went out to find Caroline and Isaac sitting on the couch in a Barney induced trance. I don't like it when they watch television, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Caroline promptly told me "No mommy, go back to bed!" several times, quite emphatically. I told Caroline that she shouldn't speak to me like that, while trying to hold a straight face. Wow. It was tough! I was laughing so hard on the inside... Lately, she has been trying to order adults around. "Light on!" and when I tell her that she needs to turn the light on, she will follow up with "No, you do it!" This exchange usually ends in (1) a timeout or (2) a beautiful moment in which she finally crumbles under my mighty mommy will. We are going to see the ticker tape parade today honoring the NY Giants. It should be interesting. I will take some pictures.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

I have such a hard time with my kids keeping a straight face. You're almost done so sleeping in is allowed! lol

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