Caroline has been sleeping in her crib without the siderail for a few months now. The transition wasn't a big deal; I just took the side rail off the crib and she slept there. The one thing that has changed is the number of security items she requires in order to sleep. Before the transition, it was a pillow, blanket, and stuffed bear. Slowly, it has progressed to include a baby doll, another baby doll, their respective blankets, and most recently her toy doctors case. This case is not an innocuous cloth bag, but a hard, unforgiving plastic case. In the case there are a number of pretend medical devices (a plastic emesis basin, plastic ophthalmoscope, stethoscope, you get the idea...) I have tried hiding this darn thing a night, but she thows a fit. She must sleep with the whole thing. And no, she does not keep all the parts in the case, she sleeps with an empty case and then all the implements around her in bed. If one of these bits falls out of bed, she gets out of bed and looks for it in the dark. So...last night, around midnight, Caroline woke up crying. Todd went in to comfort her only to find her rooting around on the floor looking for her stethoscope. Once Todd found the missing stethoscope under the bed, all was well in the Lewis household once again.