Caroline is learning a lot these days. She can recognize letters like O and P and in fact, knows most of them. She will be turning 2 on Sunday and we are looking forward to the 'wonderful twos' as I think they are called. I'm cleaning the house today, but I will try to add more to this post later.
We had a somewhat stressful day here. The batteries to the swing died in the middle of Isaac's nap. I search high and low for replacements, but none were to be found. I carried Isaac in the sling until Caroline woke up from her nap. Isaac doesn't really sleep anywhere but the swing and my bed, so he fussed and cried for a time while I held him. Caroline was grumpy upon getting up from her nap and she threw several tantrums while I tried to get some semblance of clothing on her in order to get us all out the door and to Target, where I go for my cheap batteries. It was a horrible mess. I had a cranky 3 month old shrieking from an interrupted nap and an almost 2 year old who wanted everything and nothing all at the same time. Oh, and it was raining. To make things worse, there was a big mud puddle by the car and I probably don't need to even explain what happened when Caroline saw it. When I finally got both kids in the car, I realized that we were very low on gas, so I went to our gas station and filled the tank. And on to Target we went... I bought 16 D batteries for $4 and 9 C batteries for $3. (Told you they were cheap--and they last as long as the expensive ones, too) Once I got the batteries back in the swing, Isaac finished his nap.
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