Tuesday, February 14, 2006

a pile of salsa

This morning I was startled by a crash on the kitchen floor. I went in to see what the commotion was about and found my husband ankle deep in chunky red stuff. I almost fainted at what I thought was blood and then caught a glimpse of the remains of the salsa jar. Oh. It was a big jar too. I like to get the bigger jars because you get a better deal on the price of salsa per ounce. I am going to speculate that we did not get such a good deal on this jar, based on the amount of salsa on the floor. At any rate, I told Todd not to worry about it and go ahead and get ready for work. I then started to clean up the delicious salsa. I was oh-so tempted to dip a couple of chips in it because it smelled so good. After picking through the glass shards intermingled with the salsa, I decided that it probably wouldn't be a great idea. Salsa--good. Shards of glass--not so good. I am going by the store to get more salsa today. I will be buying it in a plastic jar too.

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