Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Cabin fever!

It has been soooo cold lately that we haven't even gone outside. This morning there was snow on the car, not much, but enough to keep us huddled up inside for the morning. I am planning on taking Caroline to the Staten Island Children's Museum. We have been before, but that was before Caroline had learned to walk. I think she may enjoy it a lot more this time. Mom will certainly enjoy letting her run around and get tired.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Caroline's teeth are still coming in. They obviously are hurting a lot, but she has managed to sleep through the night for the most part. Thank you infant Tylenol! Now, if only I could get our dog to sleep through the night. She likes to wake us up around 2:30 to play "dig in the garbage" or "bark at the neighbors." It's really getting annoying.

Caroline is back to a nap routine, which is nice. She refused naps for several months and it was exhausting. Now we have nice relaxing days with minimal fussing/crankiness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

we all slept through the night

Caroline did not wake up once. I think she is feeling better.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Caroline is teething

Lately, Caroline has started waking up every half hour at night. Before, she had a fever and we thought that she wasn't feeling well. Now that the fever is gone, she is still waking up. I noticed last week that she has a new molar coming in. Once I starting putting the teething gel on her gums, I could not stop, because she has teeth coming in everywhere. I tried counting, but stopped after I felt *8* teeth starting to poke through. It must really hurt, because she is cranky an upset all day! I don't blame her, either. Hopefully, the teeth will hurry up and come in.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

13 weeks 3 days

I think this means that I am now officially in the 2nd trimester. To celebrate, I threw up my breakfast. Hopefully there will be no more celebrations. :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

:) Posted by Picasa

Wow! Posted by Picasa

:) Posted by Picasa

Caroline is in waist deep snow. Posted by Picasa

Hi! Posted by Picasa

Caroline is running around where the snow has been cleared. Posted by Picasa

Wow. Look at all that white stuff! Posted by Picasa

Hi! Posted by Picasa

This is our car, I think. Posted by Picasa

Another one. Posted by Picasa

The view from our kitchen. Posted by Picasa

You can't see the steps. Posted by Picasa

Hi everyone! Posted by Picasa

more snow Posted by Picasa

a lot more snow Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

a pile of salsa

This morning I was startled by a crash on the kitchen floor. I went in to see what the commotion was about and found my husband ankle deep in chunky red stuff. I almost fainted at what I thought was blood and then caught a glimpse of the remains of the salsa jar. Oh. It was a big jar too. I like to get the bigger jars because you get a better deal on the price of salsa per ounce. I am going to speculate that we did not get such a good deal on this jar, based on the amount of salsa on the floor. At any rate, I told Todd not to worry about it and go ahead and get ready for work. I then started to clean up the delicious salsa. I was oh-so tempted to dip a couple of chips in it because it smelled so good. After picking through the glass shards intermingled with the salsa, I decided that it probably wouldn't be a great idea. Salsa--good. Shards of glass--not so good. I am going by the store to get more salsa today. I will be buying it in a plastic jar too.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


The winter storm has now overtaken the December 1947 storm as the worst in NYC's recorded history. The link is here.

i'm bored today

There's not much to do when you are snowed in. We set up a tent inside for Caroline to play in. It was an amusing diversion for about 10 minutes, then it became an obstacle in the living room. Oh well. She is in bed now, so I will take it down an put all her books away.

By they way, I'm currently 12 weeks 3 days pregnant, meaning that I have exactly one week before I am out of the first trimester. Yay! I have been feeling 100% better these days; I'm just very tired and I need lots of naps.

Blizzard of 2006

I just heard on the news that NYC has received almost 23 inches of snow, making it the #2 snow storm in history of the city. Last night we heard lots of thunder and saw the flashes of lightning through our bedroom window. Lightning and thunder is rare in this town. I can't remember ever having a storm thunder and lightning. The streets have not been plowed and our car is hidden beneath the snow. It doesn't look like we are going anywhere today. I took some pictures, but I'm afraid that they don't show much other than white stuff here and white stuff there. I will post them soon.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I went to my crochet class last night. It was an excellent way to firm up my "book knowledge" of crochet. That is, I knew how one was supposed to make a single crochet, but I couldn't actually do it reliably. Somehow, the best teachers are people who have actual real world experience as, opposed to books with nice photographs. Next week, I will start working on a baby blanket. Yea!

Caroline went to the doctor today for a checkup. She is doing "well overall", though she is small for her age. Her height was around the 50th percentile and her weight was in the 25th. I suppose I should start feeding her candy and cookies, right? The doc suggested that I make her eat more, but I countered with "I'm below average weight for my height--could it possibly be genetic?" He relented, but added "She is doing well overall." He then told me not to feed her peanut butter before the age of 3. Hmmm. I have lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches forever. I mean, I eat one every day or nearly every day. While pregnant with Caroline, I ate quite a few of them and while nursing her, I ate even more. The AAP recommends waiting until age 3 before introducing peanuts. Ha! They also recommend peanut butter as a healthy snack for one-year olds. So which is it? Well, it's controversial. Some say, no peanut butter at all (that means nursing moms cannot eat peanuts or peanut products) and also means no peanuts during pregnancy. Other people say that it's fine after the baby is 12 months as long as there is no history of peanut allergies in the family. Caroline loves her PB&Js, by the way. I know the doctor is just playing it safe, so I don't mind when he says these things. I just do my own research and make my own decisions (I consulted dad on this one).

Caroline brings us books to read to her these days. She will also take pens or pencils and write on any available paper. It actually amazes me how well she holds the pen. She doesn't use a fist; she uses an almost correct pencil hold. She likes crayons too, but tends to eat them.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I had another sonogram yesterday. The baby is the right size and everything looks healthy. Of course, we won't know if it's a boy or girl until April 3. I need to get the scanner working again before I post some of the sonogram pictures.

I am going to a crochet class tonight. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Caroline is almost completely weaned and she seems to be handling it okay. She has occasional breakdowns though and I usually give in and nurse her. The doctor says that I shouldn't breastfeed if I'm pregnant, though everything I have read about breastfeeding during pregnancy has indicated that it is only problem if you have a history of premature labor or other health issues. At any rate, her nursing is slowing down a lot and we are spending more time cuddling.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Nesting early this time...

I knitted three hats (okay two, almost finshed with the third though) and I started learning how to crochet. I think that it's a symptom of nesting. I know that it's extremely early to be doing these things , but I have already felt the baby moving. Everyone scoffs at this notion (even doctors), but I know what I'm feeling and it's not gas (like everyone says it is).

The crocheting is turning out to be harder than I thought. I've learned the chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, and treble crochet. People knit and crochet on the Staten Island Ferry a lot. Of course, I wouldn't be caught trying to make something that looks like a chewed sock in public, so I will have to wait until I am better before taking my crochet with me. The people that crochet in public can seemingly make entire afghans appear before my eyes. It's quite deceptive and after seeing people whip out these beautiful stitches effortlessly, I thought that it would be an excellent hobby to try. Wow. Now I am stuck trying with much effort to remember yarn over twice, insert hook in next stitch, yarn over, loop off, yarn over, loop off, loop off, yarn over, loop off, loop off, yarn over, loop off, loop off. Yikes. This is one stitch, called the treble (or "trouble" if you're me) crochet. Now I am not using the proper terminology, but this is simply how I remember what to do. I'm not giving up though. I've only spent one day learning crochet, so it's bound to get better, right?

Saturday, February 04, 2006

New words

Caroline has a small vocabulary at this point. She says:


The funny one is "meow" which she says while chasing after the cat. We practice her words everyday and are trying to encourage her to say more.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

We're expecting another baby!

I'm 11 wks pregnant today and I thought I would announce our news to the world (or at least the 5 people that read this blog). As soon as I can figure out how to work our scanner, I will post the sonogram picture of the little one. Wish us luck. Caroline will be about 20 months when the baby is born and I'm sure that it will be crazy. My due date is August 24th.

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