Last night Caroline wasn't able to cough, so she was re-intubated. It's unpleasant for her, although between the sedative and her general lethargy she's pretty out of it, but it is a load off of our minds, as she is now not in any danger of having breathing problems. She hasn't opened her eyes very much, but she is grabbing our hands and moving a little when we talk to her. We're playing her favorite CD (which I'm pretty sick of, frankly) and trying to make sure that we spend some time every hour interacting with her.
The leading diagnostic candidate is still infant botulism, with various neurological problems coming in second. There is talk of her getting an EMG (electromyograph) today to see if she is suffering from some form of demyelination; we're still waiting to see if a suitable doctor can be scared up to perform it.
Even though we don't know for sure what's going on, the effects of these various diseases are all approximately the same: incapacitation due to muscular weakness leads to bad stuff like dehydration, pulmonary problems, etc. The good news is that, with the ventilator, stomach tube, pulse & oxygen monitor, & her IV, she is protected against just about any of the bad things that can stem from these problems, which is a releif. Hopefully a diagnosis will come through soon, but none of the diagnoses on the table, if confirmed, would substantially change the course of treatment: infant botulism we would just wait out, and the neurological problems, although some of them are treatable with immunoglobin, also call for identical supportive measures.
So, she is medically stable, protected against any of the problems that might come up, under good supervision, and in an ICU where any problems can be rapidly dealt with. At this point, we just need to keep this up & wait it out; she should get better so long as we do that, and so we will.
We're planning the logistics of what look to be a long stay, but we're all doing well. Thanks to everyone for your calls, emails & prayers.
-- Todd (posting for Mary Ellen)
America's Justice Department Still Wants Google to Sell Chrome
Last week Google urged the U.S. government not to break up the company —
but apparently, it didn't work. In a new filing Friday, America's Justice
3 hours ago
I want you to know thanks to the blog we are able to keep tabs on Caroline's status without bothering you on the phone, but if you need us, please call. We love you both and Caroline. We will continue to check the blog.
Dad, Ginnie & Haylee
We're praying for all of you. Hang in there.
Josee & Jim Meehan
Uncle Mike and aunt Gail will also be watching the site and praying for all of you.
ME, thanks for the technology lesson.
PS - sent from my ipod. ha
God Bless You,
Uncle Mike
Friends of yours at First Presbyterian Church, Salisbury, NC are praying for your darling baby as well as you. You are in GOOD hands!
With much love and caring...
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