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The Baby Einstein Stationary Entertainer: Caroline loves this toy. While she is still a bit small for it, she will play in it for 15 minutes at a time. She has learned about cause and effect relationships, by pressing on buttons that make animal noises and music. She can't successfully press the buttons every time, but she tries really hard. When she does press the buttons, she tends to laugh. She also really likes to look at the other toys. I like it because there aren't too many toys to overstimulate her and the toys are baby-tested and approved.
My Maclaren Quest stroller and Nojo Baby sling are still among my favorites in terms of usefulness and value for the money. I would like to emphasize that a lot of people seem to have the Nojo sling, but they don't know how to use it. I went to a moms' lunch in Manhattan last week and brought my sling. Many of the moms there told me that they had the same sling, but they weren't sure how to use it. I have shown some people how to position the sling, but it takes practice and patience. Once one has mastered slingology, it is a wonderful way to enhance a mother-baby relationship.
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