Saturday, January 13, 2007

Junk mail

I've just spent the last hour shredding junk mail. I can't stand the stuff. I shredded about a hundred of those "you've already been pre-approved" credit card offers. Old bills. Odd bits of paper with personal info on it. I'm really tired of having to go the extra mile to prevent some person from stealing those credit card offers and destroying my credit. I think that someone should invent a mailbox/shredder-incinerator. Mailman puts mail in mail box. You retrieve mail. Take out personal correspondence, bills (maybe), magazines (good ones only) and the rest you put in the shredder. Then you press the button "incinerate". Ahh, yes. That would be nice.

1 comment:

Josee said...

Excellent idea! You should get a patent. Actually, I bet my husband could build this.

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