Husband here, posting about the kids.
The fighting among the kids lately has been unpleasant. I think that our living near the arctic circle at the summer solstice has something to do with it; they are waking up at 5:15 every day and are cranky for the rest of the day. This part of moving them to the other bedroom hasn't worked out so well.
I have been known to spank the kids; as he who administers violence, I am on the hook for doing so justly. For the most part, I try to be guided by english common law, and I only spank for common-law crimes. Perjury has been a problem of late. Affray has reared its ugly head a time or two, as have battery and mayhem. Property crimes receive leniency, because they are difficult to adjudicate. At what point does putting a toy down constitute abandonment and lapse of title? (The Wife points out that squatters' rights exist at common law.) If I can't clearly define property interests, it seems unfair to punish the kids for their independent estimates, unless clearly made in bad faith. I leave such matters to equitable, not legal, resolution. Even then, as one of favorite maxims points out, equity is a mean drunk.
In general, though, I am trying to keep the violence to the minimum that is compatible with not raising little hoodlums. However much I dislike spanking and ear-grab-corner-marching, that goal takes precedence. Dura lex, sed lex.
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