Monday, April 13, 2009

The Lewis Family is growing...

We are having another baby! We are very excited about seeing our family grow. Caroline is very excited about the baby and asks me all the time how the baby is doing. When I take my prenatal vitamin, she likes to note that I'm giving the baby medicine. My due date is October 2 and I'm about 15 weeks into the pregnancy.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Fun things the kids say

Todd here, posting for Mary Ellen.

Things Caroline has said recently:

1) May I have a peanut butter and jelly-fish sandwich please?
2) I want ketchup and monsters on my hot dog
3) The rhinocerous will eat you, but it won't eat me, because I am nice.
4) I want a ladder to climb up in the tree and grab the giraffe's horns. That would be fun.
5) C: I want to ride on a giraffe. M: How would you get on the giraffe? C: The giraffe will pick me up with his lips

Developmental milestones for Isaac:

1) Bringing books to be read
2) Singing songs (he knows all of "Tomorrow" from Annie)
3) Playing alone with dinosaurs who have conversations
4) Learning the fifth row of the periodic table (Rubidium through Xenon) from his sister
5) Completely spontaneously playing bingo with his sister.

Developmental milestones for Anna:

1) sorting shapes and colors in the bathtub
2) spinning around for fun until she falls down
3) saying "mama", "dada", "thank you" and other words we can't quite make out yet
4) squirming to the far corner of the bathtub away from dad so that she can play longer
5) putting the plunger back in the drain so that the fun of bathtime can continue (always a big event for the kids!)

Life is grand in the Lewis household.

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