Caroline is eligible to go to Kindergarten this coming August. Do I send her to school and let the public education system teach her what they feel is important? I really don't like the school environment and I feel it can be harmful to young children.
For example, when I entered kindergarten mid-year at a new school, I was tracked with the "dumb group" as I remember it. We were the group, called the "Apples" (as in bad apples) who couldn't read. I actually could read, but details like that don't matter when teachers don't care enough to find out. I don't know why I remember the name so clearly, but this introduction to my education is something that I will never forget.
I was also left-handed, which meant that I could not write well, as the teachers were always correcting me by putting the pencil in my right hand. And then telling me I was writing badly. Gee, thanks.
Throughout my education, this black mark has followed me as if to remind me that I'm somehow inadequate or belong in the slow group.
I'm constantly encountering the pressure from others to put Caroline in school. I'm considering it, but I have serious reservations because of how something as seemingly innocuous as a group named "The Apples" cast such a shadow over my early education. I have no idea what a teacher might do or say to Caroline that would adversely affect her education. On the other hand, I struggle with being able to teach her everything she needs to know to be successful in life. I'm definitely not a perfect teacher, but I believe that I may be the best teacher for her.