It's 26 degrees this morning! It's usually in the 40s at this time of year, and on good days in the 50s. This weather isn't supposed to be here until January.
This morning I heard Caroline quietly talking to Isaac. This is what she said:
"Isaac, go ask mommy for egg sandwich" She initially asked me and I responded "maybe" (a response I used to detest as a child) so she sent in Isaac to ask me. We get egg sandwiches from the deli in our building. We go probably once a week for egg sandwiches and coffee, but I didn't feel like venturing into our sub-zero hallway. I ended up giving them banana bread from yesterday (It was great!) and some frozen waffles. (well, I toasted the waffles first, but they were originally frozen)
Reddit and Digg Cofounders Plan Relaunch of 'Human-Centered' Digg With AI
"The early web was fun," Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian posted Wednesday
on "It was weird. It was community-driven. It's time to rebuild
that. "Wh...
3 minutes ago