Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I got my cast off today. I was really looking forward to it and now that it's off, moving my hand is very difficult. I can't bend my wrist much at all or even hold things. I've started wearing my old splint, because I almost feel like I have more freedom with it on. I will start physical therapy on Friday and I hope to gain my regular mobility soon.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Anna is better now...

And better yet, she is now sleeping through the night! Almost. She woke up once last night and I was able to get her back to sleep without nursing her, which is progress for us. Oh, and my cast comes off tomorrow!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Anna is sick.

Last night she started throwing up and during the night she developed a fever. Todd gave her some tylenol, which brought the fever down for a few hours but it wore off and the fever returned. I gave her some more tylenol and she finally slept for about 2 hours.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I've moved some posts...

I'm trying to keep all my political posts off this blog. I moved them to my political blog for those who are interested.

I can stand up now!

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Year of The Bailout!

2008 is going to go down as the Year of the Bailout. How many more will there be? Sure Bear Stearns was 'bought' by JP Morgan, but only because the government backed all those trashy mortgage bonds that no one else wanted to pony up for. Fannie and Freddie were just bought by the government outright and we will be paying dearly for it for YEARS. All the bank failures are going to be paid for by us. Are we bailing out the failing automakers too? The airlines? When is enough enough? I'm outraged!

One Week!

I have one week left of cast-hood and then the cast comes off. It seems like forever away, but it will be 6 more days. Once it is off, I hope to write a more substantial post.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

teensy update

Anna Sophia just started pulling herself to a stand. Not even 7 months old yet and she already wants to walk (and wean, which is a post for another day) Hand is still feeling like poo, but I guess it is to be expected. Hope all my readers are doing well!

Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm feeling a bit under the weather today (where in the world did that saying come from?). Don't expect much blogging until my cast comes off, which will be Sept 23. Hope to be back on soon!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Back from surgery! Everything seems to have gone well, but now I have to type with one hand, so this post is short.

Isaac and cars

Isaac loves anything with wheels these days. I think his favorite thing, though, is not even a toy, it's a book with pictures of cars and trucks. He brings it to me 4 or 5 times a day to read (which really means that I read it 15 times). He even sleeps with this book! He is speaking in complete sentences now, though sometimes his pronouns are mixed up or verbs are used incorrectly. His favorite phrase starts "My need...(milk, book, truck, train, cookie)"

I think I could really use a cookie too, but as my surgery is today, there is no food for me!

Monday, September 08, 2008

I'm sure you've all heard about the Fannie/Freddie bailout. Only $200 billion. I suspect that it will be more, because bailouts are always underestimated. I guess the bailout has been in the works for a while, but it's still a bit of a surprise. Of course, big business has the concerned ear of government and can squeeze out goodies for itself by the barrel. After all, the government is not paying for it, at least not in any meaningful way. WE are paying for it.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


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Sippy Cup Art

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I'm so tired! This pile of cuteness has refused her naps today and she kept me awake a lot last night. She's been crawling around the floor playing with toys and crying intermittently. I don't see any teeth coming in so I can't figure out why she is so fussy these days.
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Saturday, September 06, 2008

I want to rename this blog as its present name is getting a bit long. Suggestions? Anyone?

Thursday, September 04, 2008


I'm having another surgery performed on Tuesday. For those who know me well, you might have noticed that I have a bump on the back of my left hand. It's not supposed to be there and it's causing me a few problems, so I'm getting it removed. I have a similar bump on the right hand, but it's much smaller and is not causing me problems. Anyway, say a little prayer that it all goes well. The bump is officially called a Carpal Boss.

The kids are all doing well. We are going to the playground a lot these days and generally enjoying spending time outside. Anyway, I'm sorry this post is uninspired. I'm really tired.

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