Friday, October 20, 2006

tantrum of the day

It's not even 8 am and we've already had our scheduled morning tantrum. I can almost predict that every morning will start out this way. The problem is that no matter how much I have done the night before to prepare breakfast (more on this later), it still takes too long. This morning, we had another scream fest. It lasted less than 10 minutes (I ignored her again) and when she was done she ate her breakfast and said "more peas" As far as what I do the night before to prepare breakfast, lately I have been making oatmeal in our slow cooker. I put all the ingredients in the night before (sliced apples, oatmeal, water, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon) and start it on low. We wake up to hot, steaming oatmeal. I'm not sure what more I can do to ensure that my dear one does not have to wait (short of having breakfast catered every morning), so I hope she outgrows this habit. Any thoughts?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

bad toast

If you could have a screaming, out-of-control tantrum, what would it be over? I could definitely throw a fit over tax season. Every year, I get nauseated around April 15th over how much we pay in taxes. I try not to think about it though. This morning, Caroline found that her toast was not to her liking. She didn't taste it--didn't need too. It was clearly not up to her standards. She screamed and screamed. She had already eaten a banana and had a glass of milk. But this toast was horrible and she would not touch it. What she wanted was MY piece of toast. Apparently, it was far better. After a few minutes of screaming (and me ignoring her) she stopped, ate the toast and said "down peas" Okay, kiddo.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I haven't posted much lately about the kids, because there is simply so much to say, I don't know where to start. So, I have been thinking about it and I would like to know what my blog readers are interested in reading about. Do you like to hear developmental type updates? Funny stories? More pictures? Tales about living with 2 children under the age of 2? Random parenting thoughts? I've got so much to say, and I can spend only about an hour a day blogging, so I need to choose carefully what I write about.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

This is an older picture from when Isaac was around a week old. I have been reorganizing our image files and I thought this one was cute. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006

cheap toys!

I have been saving oatmeal type cans lately and giving them to Caroline to play with. I cut a small hole in the top and then give her something small to put through the hole. I have given her paper clips, clothespins, and popsicle sticks. She enjoys the challenge of finding the right size hole to put the objects in the can. I know these aren't 'approved' toys for a one and a half year old, but she tires quickly of regular toys. This keeps it interesting. She found a new game to play with the cans tonight. Instead of putting objects in each can, she now likes to stack them.

So save your cans! We will use them to teach Caroline important things like physics (the law of gravity) and mathematics (1 can + 1 can + 1 can + 1 can= a 4 can tower) Different size cans are a plus. She has to figure out which can is the biggest and put it on the bottom. I saw her work through these different variables tonight and it was amazing. At first, she was working on an uneven surface and her tower kept falling. Then she kept putting the biggest can on the top and at times this would cause her tower to fall. She figured out that the big can needs to be on the bottom and the smallest on goes on the top.

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