I'm in my third trimester now. I think it's somewhere between 26 and 28 weeks (everyone measures differently) and I am now 27 weeks. It's nice to know that I am entering the last phase of pregnancy, where there is an end in sight. I'm large enough to be uncomfortable when I sleep and I don't fit into all regular bathroom stalls anymore :( The little one is still breech, which is not a major concern for me yet, but I still worry a little.
Caroline is continuing to do well. She doesn't talk much, but she can say a few things. Cheese, baby, yogurt (go-gie). Lately, she has confused banana and yogurt. She now calls bananas "go-gies" and does not say banana anymore.
Her favorite toy these days is her doll and stroller. She pushes the stroller all over the yard and around the house for long stretches every day.
I am going to be doing some more baby-proofing today. It seems that our bookshelves have become "toddler disaster areas". I am going to Lowes and I'm going to buy some plexiglass to put in front of the bookshelves. I plan on covering the bottom three shelves and hopefully it will keep Caroline from taking our books off the shelf and ripping out the pages. We want to encourage reading and such, so I was initially hesitant to do anything to the shelves. However, allowing her to rip up books doesn't encourage reading either. She has many books of her own, so I don't feel like we're depriving her of reading material.
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