Monday, August 29, 2005

I'm tired of these spammers

So all of my comments are actually spam. It makes me so annoyed that people want to defile any and everything on the internet with spam. From now on, if you post a comment, you need to type in a word. It should be no hassle, really.

Caroline is pulling up and crawling all over these days. She is also getting some new teeth. She has the lower central incisors. She also has the upper lateral incisors. Her next teeth look like they will be the upper central incisors. The teeth are coming in so quickly, her gums are bruised. She seems to be handling it ok.

Todd put up two of the baby gates this weekend. It was quite an experience. He had to engineer a contraption to hold the gate up at the top of the stairs. These gates had to be mounted to the wall, or in our case, a metal railing. To mount the gate on the rail, Todd had to buy a 2x4, bolts, a saw, a drill, another drill, more bolts, and so on. The kitchen has been turned into a temporary workshop, with all the sawdust one could ever want. In the end, the contraption worked flawlessly. It was a success all around.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Lucy with her new bone.  Posted by Picasa

Caroline and her dad. Posted by Picasa

:) Posted by Picasa

watcha lookin at?! Posted by Picasa

Yummy cookie. Posted by Picasa

:) Posted by Picasa

Here is Lucy checking her email, and reading the Drudge Report. Posted by Picasa

You're funny, mom! :) Posted by Picasa

Nice ears.  Posted by Picasa

Caroline and her best friend. Posted by Picasa

:) Posted by Picasa

Caroline at Tavern on the Green. Her grandparents visited and took us to this wonderful restaurant. She was on her best behavior, too. :) Posted by Picasa

Our nice, new rug (and Caroline, of course!). Posted by Picasa

Caroline, Mia, and Todd. Posted by Picasa

This is Caroline's cousin, Mia, dancing around our living room.  Posted by Picasa

Here is Caroline standing up in her crib.  Posted by Picasa

Hey everyone! Posted by Picasa

new photos.

I will be posting some new photos today.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Caroline is enow pulling herself up on things. Earlier this morning, I caught her pulling up on a door frame (with one hand) and sort of bouncing up and down as if she were dancing. Her new favorite toys are my shoes, plastic bags, and electrical outlets. Yes, I have resorted to watching her like a hawk. She had a few crazy "no-nap" days, but today we seem to have gotten over that.

My book on the history of salt should be arriving today and I am looking forward to it. I will let you know how it is.

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