Having been married for only 2 years, we still haven't quite figured out what our holiday traditions are/will be. We opened presents on Christmas Eve, not because of any particular tradition, but because it just worked out that way. I'm sure we will figure it out. Caroline really liked the boxes and paper and pretty much ignored her gifts. (She will love them once we throw away the boxes!) She enjoyed "opening" the presents (with our help, of course) and tearing the paper. She pulled our tree over too! Our Christmas tree is only about 18in tall so it wasn't a problem, though it did scare her.
She is walking a lot these days and has developed the strange habit of carrying one of her spoons with her all day. It has become something of a comfort object to her. Sometime she will even carry two spoons! She even insists on holding the spoons while she nurses. It is so odd... I will post some pictures shortly.
Reddit and Digg Cofounders Plan Relaunch of 'Human-Centered' Digg With AI
"The early web was fun," Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian posted Wednesday
on X.com. "It was weird. It was community-driven. It's time to rebuild
that. "Wh...
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